Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yes this is a Post

HOW OLD IS CODY: 31 Yes he is my elder!
WHO EATS MORE: Always Cody, but it doesn't show.
WHO SAID "I LOVE YOU' FIRST: Actually that is a funny story! We started dating in late Dec and in Feb for Valentines day I got word that he wanted to give me a promise ring. Talk about FREAK out. Totally scared me, but I just had a feeling about him. And look where it got me.
WHO IS TALLER: Thank goodness Cody Tall dark and handsome hmmmmm!!!!!
WHO SINGS BETTER: I would have to say me. Don't get me wrong I love my man, but can you say tone deaf.
WHO IS SMARTER: To be honest I think we are both equally smart in different things that is what makes us so good together.
WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY: I do the majority, but Cody is always willing to pitch in and help, I can't believe how lucky I am.
WHO DOES THE DISHES: Now that we have a dishwasher we both do YIPPPPEEEE
WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED: Cody does, its closer to the window.
WHO PAYS THE BILLS: I do ugggghhhh
WHO MOWS THE LAWN: We do our turns, but I am the first to jump on it. I am an only child and always had to do it. I actually enjoy it. Perfect time to think about nothing.
WHO COOKS DINNER: Cook? Dinner? We both do, but if it is breakfast it's all Cody
WHO IS MORE STUBBORN: Can you say Capricorn Yep thats me all the way Stubborn
WHO KISSED WHO FIRST: He did and boy was I hooked
WHO ASKED WHO OUT FIRST: He asked me. We were out with friends dragging main yes I did drag main I am so ashamed to have admitted it, but its where we met and he asked me out.
WHO PROPOSED: It was mutual we looked at each other and knew instantly we were supposed to get married and of course later were sealed.
WHO IS MORE SENSITIVE: I guess it depends on what, Cody grew up with two sisters and his dad passed when he was 16 so he was with all girls for awhile he is a great big sensitive teddy bear. I totally give in to the kids.
WHO HAS MORE FRIENDS: We have all the same wonderful friends yes you if your reading this thanks for being such great friends
WHO HAS MORE SIBLIINGS: Cody has two sisters and I am an only child.
WHO WEARS THE PANTS: I plead the 5th

1 comment:

Talene said...

I loved learning a little more about you!