Again, I am a proud mama. The first thing she did was the trampoline and she did her practice and then I don't know but she totally choked. I felt so bad she just wanted her dad but cody wasn't there. She was the only one of her age in that group so I think she was scared. The next ones she did fine she had her cousin Jade and then she was okay. Here I was oh great I am such a terrible mom what have I done to my poor childs ego . I just crushed it, but no she got back in the game and was great. She got a 1st and two 2nds. The next one is in Huntington and she said mom we don't get medals we get trophy's and she was totally excited, so I did not feel bad.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Shelby's 2nd meet
This boy so needed a haircut. We took some pictures of his awesome mohawk that would never see another day. But the pictures were cute i still want to squeeze his cheeks off!!!!
Easter bunny??
We took the kids out to the fairgrounds and they took their picture with this easter bunny. I don't think Derrick was totally convinced?
The accident!
The scene of the crime. Investigators say two girls in a pink jeep hit and ran over a innocent bystander. Tears were shed by both parties. The first one is of the incident.The second one is of the apology. Me as the witness couldn't help but laugh! He He Ha Ha!!!!!
Shelby loves her horse, BUT???????
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be COWBOYS!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My google images!
This was really fun, I think we need to do it again with different questions!!
My middle name?
Where I live?
First job.
my hobby?
My grandmas first name?
Favorite food
Favorite animal
My favorite color?
A bad habit?
What I am listening to right now?
Name of previous pet?
How old will I be on my next birthday?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
thank you poems
Thanks For Always Being There! The world is moving faster now; When I have had to follow; When nothing held together; Everyone needs someone;
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Shelby's First Meet
This is Shelby and her friend Abbie.
Shelby's first meet went great. I was so afraid for her, she is a little bit shy. I was afraid she would get there and just curl up in the fetal position. I never pushed her to do it. Her dad took her to tumbling and they came home and said she was doing it. I was so proud of her after she was done. She got two first and one second. We took her to get some flowers and she got to pick where we went to eat. You would of thought she won the lottery. I was so afraid she wouldn't have enough confidence, but I was so wrong. Her comment was when is the next meet. What a boost for me and for her. You go girl!!!!!
He who holds the key to my heart,
Shall conquer the world!
Now introducing the future the "First lady of the White House" These two are just a hoot. Whether it be pretending to talk to each other on fake cell phones, or talking about marriage. I just love how they get when they are together. Derrick becomes very protective of his maddy. The story about marriage goes like this. Derrick and I were up in provo for a Doctors appointment and were driving down state street, and he saw one of those old church buildings, and this is what he said"Mom look at that temple. I am going to get married in the temple, I said to who and he said duh maddy, but I am not going to kiss her!" It was so cute I had to call Amy right then. Anyway this was a cute picture.
My best buddie
This is my buddie Avery Boyer, she makes me feel so special. For such a littlle person her small words can have BIG meaning. Depending where we are the Boyer kids call me Sister White, but this little person calls me "Snow White". You can't imagine what that does for someone of my age.
Anyway she has a special place in my heart!!!!!