Sunday, March 9, 2008

He who holds the key to my heart,

Shall conquer the world!
Now introducing the future the "First lady of the White House" These two are just a hoot. Whether it be pretending to talk to each other on fake cell phones, or talking about marriage. I just love how they get when they are together. Derrick becomes very protective of his maddy. The story about marriage goes like this. Derrick and I were up in provo for a Doctors appointment and were driving down state street, and he saw one of those old church buildings, and this is what he said"Mom look at that temple. I am going to get married in the temple, I said to who and he said duh maddy, but I am not going to kiss her!" It was so cute I had to call Amy right then. Anyway this was a cute picture.


AMPM said...

These two crack me up!!
I love when Derrick said, "These bulls are freaking me out!"
So cute.

Talene said...

THAT is SO cute!!!