Sunday, March 9, 2008

Shelby's First Meet

This is Shelby and her friend Abbie.
Shelby's first meet went great. I was so afraid for her, she is a little bit shy. I was afraid she would get there and just curl up in the fetal position. I never pushed her to do it. Her dad took her to tumbling and they came home and said she was doing it. I was so proud of her after she was done. She got two first and one second. We took her to get some flowers and she got to pick where we went to eat. You would of thought she won the lottery. I was so afraid she wouldn't have enough confidence, but I was so wrong. Her comment was when is the next meet. What a boost for me and for her. You go girl!!!!!


Mystial Batwoman said...

It's hard to realize that our 6 year olds are entering the world for real. All that pressure and anxiety...but it sounds like she's doing it right! Way to go Shelby! I want flowers and dinner!!! Maybe I should go sign up for tumbling ;)

Talene said...

Good job Shelby! Way to go girl!

Amanda said...

YEAH!!!!! Way to go SHELBY!!! I wish I would have known she did so good!!! I absolutley HAVE to congratulate her!! TWO FIRSTS??? Wow!! That is stinkin AWESOME! Heather, you should be SOOO proud!