Sunday, May 4, 2008

The A B C's of me!

It has been a long time so I decided to do a tag I got.

A- Attached or Single: Attached to my very best friend.
B- Best Friend: My hubby of course, and my girls night crew.
C-Cake or Pie: Ice cream cake any day.
D- Day of Choice: Saturday...
E- Essential Item: Depends on where I am at, but I will have to say Chocolate most of the time.
F- Favorite Color: Yellow
G- Gummy bears or worms: worms
H- Hometown: Billings, MT...
I- Indulgence: Girls night out!! Rock on girls! NKOTB to the end.
J- January or July: Jan because of my birthday-
K-Kids: one girl and one boy
L- Life is incomplete without: my hubby
M- Marriage Date: September 12, 1998
N- Number of Siblings: ZERO
O- Oranges or Apples: I love both!
P- Phobias or Fears: losing someone close to me...failing as a mommy.
Q- Quote: Remember when?
R- Ring size: I seriously don't remember..
S- Season: begining of Fall
T- Tag 3 Friends: Dev, Amanda, Amy, Shauna, and Talene.
U-Uknown Fact About Me: I like to watch bowling on TV...
V- Very Favorite Store: Target
W- Worst Habit: over thinking things...
X- X-ray or Ultra sound: Ultra Sound FOR SURE!
Y- Your Favorite Food: Oh goodness, Mexican, Italian, asian, any type of food.
Z- Zodiac: Capricorn


dev said...

amen on the chocolate sister! amen.

Amanda said...

You like to watch BOWLING? Wow.. Well, I guess I should have known, you bowl on a team don't you? I bowled a good game once.. 197 I think it was. I got 6 strikes (should have been 7) but you know how that goes.

AMPM said...

Cute background! Chocolate is a gift from God.